Waiting for My Mother

Nominated for Best FIlm in the “Complete Experience” category that challenged 30 teams from around America to shoot and edit their project in 3 days.

Two step sisters are waiting for their mother in a hospital waiting room after a mysterious accident.


Directors and Editors: Chiara Collin-D’Augelli, Amelia Silvestro, Aidan Wood, Melina Silvestro and Chloe Rose

Cinematographers: Amelia Silvestro, Chiara Collin-D’Augelli, Aidan Wood and Melina Silvestro

Sound: Melina Silvestro

Music Sourced by: Aidan Wood, Amelia Silvestro and Melina Silvestro

Special Thanks: Elena Elmoznino


Ruby Baldwin - Chloe Rose

Daisy Baldwin - Daisy Burckin

Gloriana Baldwin - Dianne D’Augelli

Dr. Hathaway - Nicole Alifante

Man 1 - Mr. Rizutti

Man 2 - Mr. Moore

Secretary - Hilde Friderichs

Nurse - Chiara Collin-D’Augelli

Color Correction: Amelia Silvestro and Aidan Wood

Sound Mixing: Amelia Silvestro


Infectious Smiles Here and There


Teen Spirit